As technology continues to shift more and more to the cloud, the mentality of those in charge of dispersing training funds could be following in the same direction.
In the past, spending a week away from the office for training may have been the most viable and possibly the only option. Now times are changing and we’re heading more towards self-directed learning options that include things like online videos, e-learning classes and other digital based features.
More companies are experiencing a cultural shift
Not only are remote workers transforming the way training is delivered, but even non-remote workers are changing how they learn. According to our 2016 IT Skills Salary Report when IT respondents were asked to identify their preferred learning method, they selected classroom training sessions delivered out of the office and self-paced e-learning methods almost equally. Those two choices combined accounted for over 60 percent of responses.
Perhaps, the rise in online training is because managers expect their employees to fit professional development in and around their busy schedules. Or, maybe it’s because students enjoy having more control over when and where they want to learn. Whatever the reason, the shift towards self-directed learning appears to be on the rise.
Today’s worker is on the clock 24 hours
The remote worker is embraced in many organizations, but with that comes more responsibility.
Work doesn’t really end for many now. Vacations get interrupted by cell phones. Most people check their emails and social media on their mobile devices before they go to sleep and as soon as they wake up. And, now that a lot of self-paced training is available on mobile devices, it’s becoming easier and easier to absorb the information whenever and whenever it can be fit in.
So for those with skill gaps or just busy schedules, working around the clock is becoming a norm. One-third of IT respondents to our salary survey indicated they can train only on an ad hoc basis or if a project requires specific skills.
More choices now exist
Take our Microsoft On-Demand digital learning offerings for example. Students can choose between individual courses for three months or an entire collection of courses for 12 months. With the latter choice, project-based training becomes easier. It’s available exactly when you are. When you experience a question or problem – instead of spending time scouring the internet, a student can watch a module on the topic of their choice or experiment in a lab environment or just ask a mentor.
A better bang for your buck
With more and more companies out there promising they can integrate all of your systems together, you can almost guarantee that your competition isn’t using the exact same solutions you are. Which means that training can get pretty specific and specialized. If you are looking to take JBoss training for example, finding a course in your area when you want it, can often prove difficult. But with the Red Hat Learning Subscription, all JBoss courses are at your fingertips.
Whether you are a remote worker or busy employee trying to squeeze in training, it’s likely, regardless of your learning preferences, that at some point you are going to come into contact with self-directed learning.
The new era of self-directed learning combines the power of choice and technology. It will allow you to control the rate at which you learn and define your professional learning experience. You ultimately get to determine your future successes and how to get the best return on the investment of your time and money.
Relevant Courses
Microsoft Total Access Collection
Red Hat Learning Subscription
Cisco Total Access Collection
VMware Learning Zone
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